- What happened in August 2022?
In an attempt to start a regular blogging habbits, I am giving a try to the monthly “status updates” format. This month: some Emacs config hacking, and some changes on how this website is generated.
- What happened in September 2022?
In a nutshell, my latest hobby project (Spatial Sway) works well enough so that I can use it daily, and I have done some unsuccessful experiments for this website.
- What happened in October and November 2022?
Spatial Sway has basically reached the MVP stage, I failed to fully commit to this year’s NaNoWriMo, and someone has worked on adding some support for
.- What happened since December 2022?
“Regularity is key.” But sometimes, it is a bit hard to get right. Anyway, let’s catch up.
- What Happened in 2024?
We are done with 2024, and now is a good time to reflect on what has happened over the past 12 months. I was not planning to, but my feed convinced me to give it a try. Plus, it is a good opportunity to revive my “Retrospective” series.