lthms' avatar, a hand drawing looking person, wearing a headset, close to a window on a raining night
Thomas Letan
lthms · he/him

Did you come across something which caught your attention? Don’t hesitate to shoot me an email in my public inbox.


What happened in August 2022?

In an attempt to start a regular blogging habbits, I am giving a try to the monthly “status updates” format. This month: some Emacs config hacking, and some changes on how this website is generated.

What happened in September 2022?

In a nutshell, my latest hobby project (Spatial Sway) works well enough so that I can use it daily, and I have done some unsuccessful experiments for this website.

What happened in October and November 2022?

Spatial Sway has basically reached the MVP stage, I failed to fully commit to this year’s NaNoWriMo, and someone has worked on adding some support for coqffi to dune.

What happened since December 2022?

“Regularity is key.” But sometimes, it is a bit hard to get right. Anyway, let’s catch up.

What Happened in 2024?

We are done with 2024, and now is a good time to reflect on what has happened over the past 12 months. I was not planning to, but my feed convinced me to give it a try. Plus, it is a good opportunity to revive my “Retrospective” series.