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Thomas Letan
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Extensible Records in OCaml Using dmap

dmap  is a library to create and manipulate heterogeneous maps. It features a very straightforward API which leverages the common trick of tagging the type of the keys with a parameter specifying the types of the associated valuesThis article assumes readers are familiar with GADTs. . That is, given 'a key the type of keys of a heterogeneous map t, then the value associated to a key k of type bool key is expected to be of type bool.

In this write-up, we show how it is possible to use dmap to implement extensible records (that is, records which can be extended with new fields after they have been defined) in OCaml. I have also published on GitHub a repository containing the implementation presented in this article . While dmap is far from being the only available solution for this use caseFor heterogeneous maps, gmap  is apparently a popular alternative, and so is hmap . For extensible records, orec  looks like a very interesting library I should probably take a long look at. , it is the one I happened to use for implementing a “plugin system” in a library where each plugin can manipulate a shared state in a type-safe way.

Encoding Extensible Records

The (simplified) module type of a heterogeneous map built using dmap is as follows.

module type S = sig
  type t
  type 'a key

  type binding = Binding : 'a key * 'a -> binding

  val empty : t

  val add : 'a key -> 'a -> t -> t

  val find_opt : 'a key -> t -> 'a option

  val fold_left : ('a -> binding -> a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a

The use case for heterogeneous maps I’ve been interested in recently is encoding records. More precisely, constructors of keys encode fields containing collections of values. In such approach, a constructor Foo : int key encodes a field of type int option, while a constructor Bar : string -> bool key encodes a field of type bool StringMap.t. That is, the heterogeneous map HMap.t, such as

type _ key = Foo : int key | Bar : string -> bool key

module HMap : S with type 'a key  = 'a key

can be used to encode values of a record type

type t = {
  foo : int option;
  bar : bool StringMap.t;

as the following conversion functions demonstrates.

let of_record {foo; bar} =
  let res = HMap.empty in
  let res = HMap.add Foo foo res in
    (fun res (key, value) -> HMap.add (Bar key) value res)

let of_hmap map =
    foo = HMap.find_opt Foo map;
    bar = HMap.fold_left
            (fun smap (Binding binding) ->
               match binding with
               | (Bar k, v) -> StringMap.add k v smap
               | _ -> smap)

As a consequence, to construct a heterogeneous map whose type of keys is extensible is a way to get extensible records in OCaml.

To that end, dmap only asks for a function to compare two arbitrary keys. More precisely, given the type

type _ key = ..

the challenge is to write the function compare of type

val compare : 'a key -> 'b key -> ('a, 'b) Dmap.cmp

with Dmap.cmp being definedThis definition of cmp enforces that two keys can only be equal if and only if the values associated to them are of the same type. as

type (_, _) cmp =
  | Lt : ('a, 'b) cmp
  | Eq  : ('a, 'a) cmp
  | Gt : ('a, 'b) cmp

The Solution

To use extensible types in this kind of setting, the trick I am aware of is to use a registration mechanismFor instance, this is what the tezos-error-monad package is using for being able to print the values of its extensible error type . .

The compare function will work as follows.

  1. We assign an integer to each constructor of the type key.
  2. We compare these integers when the arguments of compare are constructed from different constructors.
  3. We implement one comparison function per constructors, to be called when the two arguments of compare are the same.

The exercise is being made a bit more complicated than what the previous paragraph suggests due to the fact that both key and cmp are GADTs. As a consequence, the rest of the article will proceed as follows. First, we will implement the overall logic of the compare function implemented with a registration mechanism, and only then will we tackle the OCaml compiler errors GADTs so often bring.

Step 1: Forget About GADTs

To implement our registration mechanism, we rely on a good old reference to a listIt is a good idea to hide this implementation “details” behind a nice API, using a mli file. . The position of a registered object within the list will determine the integer attributed to it.

let registered_keys = ref []

let register_key key =
  registered_keys := key :: !registered_keys

In this list, we store a collection of first-class modules which provide us everything we need to compare two 'a key values obtained from the same constructors.

module type KEY = sig
  type t

  val proj : 'a key -> t option
  val compare : t -> t -> int

The type t of the module type KEY is the type of one constructor’s arguments. The simplest definition of t is unit, which means the field encoded with the related constructor points to a singleton value (as foo did in the previous section).

However, it is also possible to have keys’ constructors taking arguments, which would translate into a field pointing to collections of value. This was the case for bar, which was pointing to a mapping of strings to booleans.

The compare function will consist in iterating over the first-class modules registered in registered_keys, in order to determine to which ones the two arguments belong to.

This means that considering a call compare left right, for each first-class module of registered_keys, either

  1. both left and right have not yet been associated to a first-class module,
  2. or left has, but `right hasn’t
  3. or right has, but left hasn’t
  4. or both left and `right have been associated to a first-class module.

Only when the fourth stage has been reached can we provide the expected result of compare, whose type we have simplified in this section to return a int instead of the GADT Dmap.cmp.

To encode these stages, we introduce a dedicated accumulator type.

type ('a, 'b) acc =
  | Init : 'a key * 'b key -> ('a, 'b) acc
  | Compare_left_with : 'a key * int -> ('a, 'b) acc
  | Compare_right_with : int * 'b key -> ('a, 'b) acc
  | Res : int -> ('a, 'b) acc

This allows us to implement compareNote the use of the Seq module here. It is motivated by the fact that List.fold_lefti does not exist. We need to know the position of the current first-class module we are testing the keys against, hence the need for a fold_lefti. Of course, we could have added the current position to the acc type, but the function is already cumbersome enough, and using Seq.t is mostly free. .

let compare : type a b. a key -> b key -> int =
 fun left right ->
  List.to_seq !registered_keys
  |> Seq.fold_lefti
       (fun (acc : (a, b) acc) i (module K : KEY) ->
         match acc with
         | Init (left, right) -> (
             match (K.proj left, K.proj right) with
             | Some left, Some right -> Res ( left right)
             | Some _, None -> Compare_right_with (i, right)
             | None, Some _ -> Compare_left_with (left, i)
             | None, None -> acc)
         | Compare_right_with (j, right) -> (
             match K.proj right with
             | Some _ -> Res ( j i)
             | None -> acc)
         | Compare_left_with (left, j) -> (
             match K.proj left with
             | Some _ -> Res ( i j)
             | None -> acc)
         | _ -> acc)
       (Init (left, right))
  |> function
  | Res x -> x
  | _ ->
           "comparison with at least one unregistered key variant")

This function gives us the overall structure and logic of compare, but of course we are not done yet.

Step 2: Deal with GADTs

In practice and as hinted in the introduction of this section, dmap is not expected a comparison function of type 'a key -> 'b key -> ('a, 'b) Dmap.cmp, not 'a key -> 'b key -> int.

The first step is to update acc accordingly.

type ('a, 'b) acc =
   | Init : 'a key * 'b key -> ('a, 'b) acc
   | Compare_left_with : 'a key * int -> ('a, 'b) acc
   | Compare_right_with : int * 'b key -> ('a, 'b) acc
-  | Res : int -> ('a, 'b) acc
+  | Res : ('a, 'b) Dmap.cmp -> ('a, 'b) acc

Then, we focus our attention to modifying compare, by modifying its type signature, and by updating its definition to make use of the new acc type.

-let compare : type a b. a key -> b key -> int =
+let compare : type a b. a key -> b key -> (a, b) Dmap.cmp =
  fun left right ->
   List.to_seq !registered_keys
   |> Seq.fold_lefti
       (fun (acc : (a, b) acc) i (module K : KEY) ->
          match acc with
          | Init (left, right) -> (
              match (K.proj left, K.proj right) with
-             | Some left, Some right -> Res ( left right)
+             | Some left, Some right ->
+                 let x = left right in
+                 Res (if x = 0 then Eq else if x < 0 then Lt else Gt)
              | Some _, None -> Compare_right_with (i, right)
              | None, Some _ -> Compare_left_with (left, i)
              | None, None -> acc)
          | Compare_right_with (j, right) -> (
              match K.proj right with
-             | Some _ -> Res ( j i)
+             | Some _ ->
+                 let x = j i in
+                 Res (if x < 0 then Lt else Gt)
              | None -> acc)
          | Compare_left_with (left, j) -> (
              match K.proj left with
-             | Some _ -> Res ( i j)
+             | Some _ ->
+                 let x = j i in
+                 Res (if x < 0 then Lt else Gt)
              | None -> acc)
          | _ -> acc)
        (Init (left, right))

At this point, we are remembered that the OCaml compiler is not that easy to please when GADTs are involved. In particular, it complains for our use of Eq.

46 |               Res (if x = 0 then Eq else if x < 0 then Lt else Gt)
Error: This expression has type (a, a) Dmap.cmp
       but an expression was expected of type (a, b) Dmap.cmp
       Type a is not compatible with type b

This error message is the result of a tragedy in two acts:

  1. The Eq constructor of cmp is of type ('a, 'a) cmp. That is, only two keys associated with values of the same type can be equal.
  2. compare takes two keys whose types can be different, and even if proj is expected to return a Some only when both keys are constructed with the same constructor, nothing in its type enforces that invariant.

As such, OCaml is not convinced with our code alone that a = b, and rejects it.

One possible trick here is to rely on an equality witness typeThis is the trick to keep in mind when playing with GADTs, to a point where eq could arguably be added to the OCaml’s standard library. , and refine proj in order to convince OCaml our code is type-safe.

type (_, _) eq = Refl : ('a, 'a) eq

We then modify KEY to have proj not only return the arguments of the constructor, but also a type equality witness to unify the polymorphic argument of key to the expected value type of said constructor.

 module type KEY = sig
   type t
+  type r
-  val proj : 'a key -> t option
+  val proj : 'a key -> (t * ('a, r) eq) option
   val compare : t -> t -> int

This is enough to convince OCaml that a = b, because it gets a proof that a = K.r and b = K.rBut only if you actually match Refl explicitly, meaning the pattern Some (left, _), Some (right, _) would still lead to the same error as not returning Refl at all. .

           match (K.proj left, K.proj right) with
-          | Some left, Some right ->
+          | Some (left, Refl), Some (right, Refl) ->
               let x = left right in
               Res (if x = 0 then Eq else if x < 0 then Lt else Gt)
           | Some _, None -> Compare_right_with (i, right)
           | None, Some _ -> Compare_left_with (left, i)

That’s it. compare is done, compiles, and satisfies the expectations of dmap. We can instantiate its functor with our key extensible typeThis approach will lead every value of type Extensible_record.t to share the same fields, which might not be you need. One can imagine embedding the registered_keys list of known keys inside the extensible records values, along with a heterogeneous map. This would allow each value to have its own dynamic set of fields. .

module Extensible_record = Dmap.Make (struct
  type 'a t = 'a key

  let compare = compare

Step 3: Profit

To wrap up this article, we can come back to our initial example of a record with two fields foo and bar.

Here is how we can extend key to have a Foo constructor.

type _ key += Foo : int key

let () =
    (module struct
      type t = unit
      type r = int

      let proj : type a. a key -> (t * (a, r) eq) option = function
        | Foo -> Some ((), Refl)
        | _ -> None

      let compare () () = 0

Similarly, here is how we can register Bar.

type _ key += Bar : string -> bool key

let () =
    (module struct
      type t = string
      type r = bool

      let proj : type a. a key -> (t * (a, r) eq) option = function
        | Bar arg -> Some (arg, Refl)
        | _ -> None

      let compare =

Once registered, these two fields/keys can be used to populate an Extensible_record.t value with values of the expected types.

let () =
  let record = Extensible_record.empty in
  let record = Extensible_record.add Foo 3 record in
  let record = Extensible_record.add (Bar "foobar") true record in
  assert (Extensible_record.find Foo record = 3) ;
  assert (Extensible_record.find (Bar "foobar") record)

A nice happy consequence of this approach is that it allows us to register private fields only a given module can manipulate. Indeed, if this module does not expose the constructor of the key it relies on, then only it can interact with this part of the extensible record.